Hateful Little Thing2021
Text, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, whitney.org

A piece of discontent regarding the politics of inclusion and liberal formulations of "hate" as an unwanted thing that has no place, although it is everywhere at all times, and ever has been.

The work is an argument with its own support that can never finish before common sense prevails. It hijacks the Whitney Museum’s Sunrise/Sunset curatorial label, the hallmark of this series, to digress from the institutional script.

When the work is launched, Hateful Little Thing clones the curatorial label and overwrites its content. In this way it attempts to interrupt and reside on a level with the curatorial frame. It is always cut off at 30 seconds.

As such, the work leans on but maintains suspicion of its institutional support.

The hateful little thing ran every day at sunrise and sunset (EST) on the website of the Whitney Museum for the duration of the show. Its exact sequence and contents would vary each time. The dynamic, real-time execution of the work was intended as a form of direct address.

For more information about the work and the Sunrise/Sunset series, see whitney.org.